Walmart Cameras Capture Photos That Are Too Shocking To Watch

It’s only a matter of time before “Security Cameras of Walmart” become a Reality TV Show … Until then, cast your eyes on the strangest shoppers you will ever see at your local WalMart.

#33 Horseshoe Crabs

I don't EVEN know where to begin ...

First of all, why did you put a dye on your hair and come out to shop in the store while wearing that plastic bag on your head and jacket on the opposite side? 

Next, you committed a sin of wearing "shoes" that have yet to be identified.  Lady, one thing is for sure ... you need to do a lot of cleaning once you get back home because that dye ran down all over your back.

So ... Are those Horseshoe Crabs or Tortillas with Watermelon seeds glued to them?

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